March 16,2022 General Meeting

Location: 109 Bridge Street Chamber Office

Time:March 16, 2022, 6:00 p.m.

I. Call to Order

Mike called the meeting to order at 6:08 p.m. and led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance.

II. Roll Call

Present: Daniel Blanchard, Jeff Dowd, Charlene Knox, Mike Mauk, Manny Mike Maltais, Darin


III. Old Business:

1. Minutes -- read and approved by unanimous vote.

2. Circus: June 4th

, 2022 – Doug, Culpepper & Merriweather Circus, met with Mike; Mike

signed the contract and $290.00 deposit. They will do two (2) shows. The deposit will be

returned if we sell 200 advanced adult tickets. After we sell 100 tickets, we will get 50% of

the sales. Adult tickets will be sold at $12.00 advanced, $15.00 day of show. Children and

senior $7 advanced and $15.00 day of show. Tickets will be available at local stores and

library. We will need two volunteers to collect tickets at the door. Mike will ask the city to

close off 6th Street for horses, ponies, and extra parking.

3. Fourth of July –Event has been approved by the City; only approved the vendors as they

were last year. Parade and Vendor applications are available on the website. There is also a

new Brewster Chamber Facebook page group for 4th of July 2022. We will sell vendor lots

of 10’ x 14’ for $50.00. To please the city, each vendor must provide their own garbage

cans. Parade will start at 10 a.m. so that it over before the high heat hits. Mike will

organize the participants and announcements. Jeff suggested Mike connect with Alicia

Pulsifer to include student musicians for the event, including a National Anthem singer.

4. 2022 Membership -- Last push- we have removed the previous members from the website

that have not joined this year. We have good number of members both paid and trade-in

kind members.

5. Salmon Derby -- The City has approved the event permit same as last year. Everything is

on schedule. Tickets go on sale May 1st

. Reports of a good salmon run so that is looking

promising. We have had brochures made and have them at the sports shows with various

people helping. Good response from sponsors but are still waiting on some of the larger

ones. We have picked up a few new vendors. We have hired Simple Derby to build a new

WordPress website which will be complete before tickets go on sale in May. We have

ordered T shirts Darlene West in Omak for less than we paid last year. Will be sold for

$15.00 again. We need to promote vendors to provide food, merchandise and service to

Derby participants.

6. Banners- Rick Miller at Brewster High School will produce Derby banners with sponsor’s


V. New Business

1. Chamber Laptop – Mike recommended we purchase a chamber computer. Charlene

moved Daniel seconded, board approved unanimously. Cap of $1500.00. Need specs to

provide longevity and ability to do simple graphics.

2. American Rescue Plan Act -- Money the City received will not be going to local businesses

or community projects. City elected to spend it on a city shop.

3. Signs on Center -- New signs on the Senior Center have received all good reports. Next

step is getting lights for them.

4. Scholarships -- It is suggested that we research setting up a scholarship for our graduating

students using the Salmon Derby profits. Scholarship for higher education on Marine

biology and Fish and wildlife education. Looking for input and suggestions on how to move

forward with that. Jeff suggested Mike contact Gina Kelly to create a scholarship

application. Daniel suggested contacting the local fish and wildlife agencies for input.

VI. Adjournment

Next meeting is April 13th at 6:00 p.m. at the Chamber of Commerce Office 109 Bridge


Mike called meeting adjournment at 7:08 p.m.