February 9, 2022 General Meeting

Brewster Chamber of Commerce

February General Meeting

February 09, 2022

6:00 p.m.

I.      Call to Order

Mike called the meeting to order at 6:02p.m. in the Brewster Senior Center—and on Zoom—and led the Pledge of Allegiance.

II.      Roll Call

Present: Daniel Blanchard, Jeff Dowd, Charlene Knox, Mike Mauk

Absent: Manny Hurtado (excused)

Guest: Jennifer Howard, Jennifer Best, Anna Marie Dalbey (Managing Broker- Keller Williams Realty-NCW) (VIA) Zoom,
Present at meeting-Lisa Malmo, Mike Malmo

III.      Approval of Minutes

January minutes read.

Charlene called for approval. Daniel seconded. Unanimously approved.


VII.       Guest Speakers

A.      Guest Speaker: Jennifer Howard, Economic Development Specialist with Economic Alliance. She shared several of the workshops that are planned in the next month—email marketing basics, building a brand, social media management, Instagram basics (April). She also has some video equipment, green screen and drone cameras available. Jason, who is bilingual, is in the office Tuesdays and Thursdays to assist businesses. Daniel will have flyers available at the Brewster Library. She is willing to travel to a local business to help out. Anna Marie Dalbey offered to host the workshops at the Keller Williams Realty office.

B.      Guest Speaker: Lisa Malmo, Governor of Tacoma Inboard Racing Association (Hydroplane Racing Club). Will have an event on Sept. 10,11 Tony Newton Memorial Race here in Brewster.

VIII.      Old Business

A.      Cascade Loop—we are now on their map! And we can add announcements to their event calendar

B.      Senior Center Sign—Mike has material, waiting for best opportunity to install. Next goal is to install lights for a lighted sign at night.

C.      Membership Drive—46 members

D.     4th of July event—our application is on the City Council board meeting Feb. 17th. This will be a zoom meeting everyone can attend

E.      Downtown Strategies update—Daniel attended a couple of online meetings discussing the American rescue plan funds; quite a few strings seem to be attached to the funds. Daniel recommended working with the city council. Anna Marie Dalbey mentioned from a meeting this morning that funds have already been received and the council is looking for volunteers to join a (small) planning committee for fund allocation. Mike shared that half of the funds have been given, another amount is pending.

F.       Salmon Derby event application has been approved. Next, we need to confirm sponsors.

IX.      New Business

A.      Mike proposed that chamber board members traveling on board business get reimbursed for gas expenses. Daniel made the motion that we will use the IRS current standard mileage reimbursement rate. Jeff seconded. Unanimously approved. Current 2022 rate is 58.5.

B.      Mike recommended a lease document be created and signed by both Senior Center and Chamber boards. Charlene recommended finding a simple lease document making revisions as necessary. 

X.      Adjournment

A.      Mike called meeting adjournment at 6:50 p.m.