Sept5,2018 Chamber meeting Minutes

Brewster Chamber Public Meeting Sept 5,2018

Where - Armory

Open 9:00

Invocation- Pastor Greg Thorn

August Minutes approved

City Update-Lee Webster- City residents’ tree and yard debris dump at the Cemetery open Sept 19, for more times and dates call the City Hall

Special Speaker – Marcus Alden with the Work Source. Very good information for businesses on using their apprentice programs and getting trained workers at your business.

New Business: Police Chief Nattalie gave an update on the Community Care Fund to help people in need before other help can be had. She had the first meeting and is still in the planning stages and will announce more meetings come up

Pateros Chamber closing, it was brought up maybe merging or taking over some of their events. We will discuss that more later.

Future Calendar dates:

Halloween costume contest – Avis volunteered to take care of it as she has been doing it for years. Pedro usually buys the trophies. The Chamber will make up fliers to hand to businesses to let them know about it.

Los Posadas- Dec 8th we are looking for sponsors and hope to start earlier to avoid the cold some. We need to try to find a different place for the inn if the weather is freezing as the Armory is not permitted to have the public come in to the build for a function. We are also working at getting the cost down and get sponsors to take care of the cost maybe donate the food.

Sept 20 board meeting for calendar planning 2019

Invitation for future snacks and coffee host- Mauk Fishing Stuff volunteered to host the Oct meeting

Ended with introductions and a round table