March 6,2019 regular meeting minutes

Brewster Chamber of Commerce Meeting
When: January 9,2019
Where: American Legion Post 97 Brewster

Officers in Attendance- Anna Marie Dalbey, Said Velasco, Mike Mauk, Kathy Lowry, Manny Hurtado

Open: 9:00
Invocation- Billy Bosch

Introductions and welcome to the Newly elected Chamber Officers and board members
 President Anna Marie Dalbey, Vice President Said Velusco, Treasurer Lainie Hammond, Secretary Mike Mauk, Director Kathy Lowry, Director Manny Hurtado, Director Julio Talavera

Treasurers Repot-N/A

Minutes:  November 7th2018 minutes approved. December 5th 2018 minutes approved

City Report: Manny Hurtado- the city has discovered potential back ups in the city sewer system due to massive use of wipes. There is a warning in the City Water bill about this.

Boys and Girls Club: Heather gave updates on the events in Dec and all were very good. Family night went well with about 100 people attending with 35 gas cards given out. Dec 22 Tiny tots’ basketball is a big success as well.
The bathrooms at the center are completed and on schedule, everyone is overjoyed about that, no more using the portable toilets!
 She also introduced the new director for the boys and girls club Jamie Sluys, and he is also in charge of the 21st century grants at the Brewster School.

Natalie Cariker Brewster Police: Cops and Kids was a big success. Everything is quiet in town and with winter She reminds us to be careful on the slick roads.

The Chamber is working on the membership drive. We will get the invoices out soon. Heather said if we get everything to the boys and girls club they would stuff the envelopes and address them. Kathy Lowry said she will help as well
Manny also suggests we get more involved with the Salmon derby this year. Heather said the Boys and Girls Club has signed up to help with the fish checking and whatever else the kids can do.

Carnival: We are hosting the Culpepper and Merriweather Carnival June 9th and will turn in an event application at the Feb city council meeting. Anna asked that every business get involved in selling the tickets.
 We are still talking about getting a visitor center of some kind, to set up with information on activities in and around our area.  We have signed up with the Okanogan Country tourism group, so we need to find a place for that information.

Chamber Storage: With all the things we are getting for doing events and such we need a storage area. It was suggested to talk to the mini storage people and see if we can maybe trade membership for a cut rate on a storage space.
Kathy suggested that we should think about having a Christmas tree contest like Omak and some of the other towns around the area do. It could be a good money maker for the chamber and the businesses that could sponsor. We are going to look in to that more. Natalie has more information on that as she belongs to another chamber that does that.

Anna asked for a vote if anyone wanted to change the time of the meetings and everyone wants to leave it as it is.

 We voted to see if the Chamber should take the lights off the big tree at the legion or leave them on for next year. It was unanimous to just leave them on and unplug them and make sure everything is up high enough to keep someone for pulling them down.

 We had a roundtable of introductions.

Meeting adjourned at 10:00 am. Next meeting at the American Legion Feb 6th,2019 at 9:00 am