April 3, 2018 board meeting

Brewster Chamber of Commerce Board Meeting April 3. 2018 Minutes 8:30am

Location: Coldwell Banker, Brewster

Officers Present: Anna, Leslie, Mike, Manny

National Night Out Aug 7, 2018- Motion made to continue with the Chamber cooking and giving out

FREE Hotdogs and chips and water. Seconded and Approved

School: Levy Funds;

 Motion to open a Savings Account at Umpqua Bank just for handling the Brewster School’s Levy Moneys seconded and approved

Motion to have a new membership for Junior Membership, for High School seniors that will do Chamber volunteer work like at the Chambers functions for 5 hours it will pay for their Chamber dues and also a letter will be written to the school that they did the community service

Seconded and Approved

Motion to allow a maximum of 5 non-profits to have free small like 5’x5’ booths at our functions

Seconded and approved

Motion to continue to sponsor The Boys and Girls Club Summer Camp by donating $125.00 towards the T-Shirts, Seconded and Approved

Motion to Host Vendors at the Armory  for Cinco D Mayo after first checking  with Estevan  to make sure it will not interfere with his activities. Seconded and Approved

The Board meeting had lots more content but here are the motions made and approved. 

It is going to be a busy summer and the support from our Board Member is essential to get everything done right is needed. Thanks every one.

Meeting Adjourned 11:30 am